A two layer coating with Mohs hardness 8 preserves beautiful shine with the most durable and powerful hydrophobicity in the G'ZOX range. A new world of hydrophobic technology: Hi-MOHS COAT The Edge.

  1. Only Wash with Water in Car Wash!

  2. Restoring hydrophobicity with Maintenance Liquid

  3. When Adheres Stubborn Dirt

  4. About Car Washing Machine


An ultra hard dual-layer glass coating boasting 8 on the Mohs scale and the most incredible gloss in G'ZOX range creates a truly inspiring visual effect.

  1. Only Wash with Water in Car Wash!

  2. Restore Water Sheeting Performance by Maintenance Liquid!

  3. When Adheres Stubborn Dirt

  4. About Car Washing Machine

Guard Glaze

This coating offers excellent protection for your vehicle.

  1. Daily Maintenance

  2. If the repellent effect weakens

  3. If dirt cannot be removed with water

  4. If dirt cannot be removed with shampoo

  5. If stained

Real Glass Coat - Class M

Powerful hydrophobicity, excellent durability, and the deepest gloss combine to form a Masterpiece of paint protection. The premier model in the Real Glass Coat series.

  1. Daily Maintenance

  2. In case of water repellency is weaken…

  3. Adheres Dirt cannot Remove with Water

  4. Adheres Dirt cannot Remove with Car Shampoo

  5. In case of adhering smear or stubborn dirt

Real Glass Coat - Class R

Beautiful gloss and a powerfully protective Repellent effect. Featuring sharp looks and dazzling water-repellency!

  1. Daily Maintenance

  2. In case of water repellency is weaken…

  3. Adheres Dirt cannot Remove with Water

  4. Adheres Dirt cannot Remove with Car Shampoo

  5. In case of adhering smear or stubborn dirt

Real Glass Coat - Class H

Prevents stains and waterspots with its incredible Hydrosheeting ability. Excellent hardness and durability not only protect the paint, but also help keep it beautifully clean!

  1. Only Wash with Water in Daily Maintenance!

  2. Restore Water Sheeting Performance by Maintenance Liquid!

  3. Adhered Dirt cannot Remove with Water

  4. Dirt cannot remove with shampoo

  5. Adhere smear or stubborn dirt